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ONEWORD TOURS presents The Least of These.  It is the vision of the company to use creativity as a means of helping the less fortunate. 

"Silver and gold have I none but such as I have I give unto thee."  Those were the words of Peter in Acts chapter 3 as he offered what he had to someone in need. 

It is the goal of the company to raise both awareness and funds to help in areas of mercy and justice. 

This year our show centers around the topic of Human Trafficking and the sex trade. 



​The dancers who participate in the company do so on a volunteer basis.  Those who have been a part of the experience have been able to do some of the following with the funds that have been raised

-feed the poor

-help orphans in schools

-raise funds for rehabilitation of women and children in the sex trade

-raise funds to help child soldiers of war

 -raise money for medicine for babies with AIDS

-purchase a water pump for a village

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